Sedan 1940 2nd Edition

Sedan 1940 2nd Edition
This game is dedicated in memory of John Tiller of John Tiller Software
This second edition includes all up to date errata.
Sedan 1940 is a battalion and lower-level tactical game focused on the decisive action at Sedan led by Guderian in 1940, encircling the majority of the French army by driving through the Ardennes and surprising a contingent of less than stellar French divisions. The system focuses on combined arms, combat effects can vary depending on the units in a stack (also called a force). Units feature both a Primary Combat Value and a Secondary Combat Value representing different types of arms/weapons available to units, and advanced rules are available to further simulate radio issues with command and control.
Forces are activated by chit pull, activating whole divisions at a time. Each unit is allowed two basic actions or one special action. The sequence of play is unstructured, allowing movement, assaults, fire-combat and planned assaults to occur as chaotically as they did historically. Unit types range from armor, infantry, artillery, anti-tank/air, engineer, and motorized units. Units can be placed in Overwatch status allowing them to engage in Opportunity Fire using their Primary Combat Value.
Each day turn is approximately 2 hours while night turns are 4 hours for a total of 20 turns.
Materials include: 280 Counters, 1 22x34” map, 1d6, 1d10, 2 player aids, 1 rulebook.
WEIGHT: 10/10
SOLO: 9/10
Design by Ray Weiss
Developed by Matt Ward
Download the rules at