Funeral Games

Funeral Games
Coming soon! ESTIMATED RELEASE OF Q4 2021 - Q1 2022 at the latest (its a large game)
Funeral Games is the second game in our brand new Operations of Antiquity Series, an operational ancients engine that focuses on logistics, leadership, and maneuver. Funeral Games focuses on the dizzying and myriad wars of the Diadochoi, the successor generals of Alexander the Great. This comprehensive hex & counter simulation showcases the 40+ years of conflict and intrigue between these titans of the Hellenistic world.
1-5 Players can choose to either play specific parts of the war, a scripted campaign as well as a sandbox campaign. The scenarios can be played in a few hours while the campaigns will take longer depending on the number of players and variant being played. Augury cards which dictate events and certain modifiers are placed in order of their occurrence in the scripted game, whereas the sandbox campaign has players randomize the Augury cards creating an absolutely wide open situation without the realities of history bearing down on the player’s decision-making.
Funeral Games expands on the foundations presented in The Earth As Their Memorial and adds on a thin layer of chrome in order to abstract the myriad idiosyncrasies and shifting alliances throughout the wars of the Diadochi. The Operations of Antiquity Series is supported by obsessive and manic research into the logistic capabilities of ancient supply trains and the armies they supported.
What results is the first hex and counter, operational-scale model of the Diadochi wars allowing students of history as well as grognards alike to study the volatile realities of military campaigns in antiquity. Players will also need to manage/improve their holdings, building infrastructure
or cultural landmarks if they wish to gain a decisive advantage against their opponents.
System and Game design by Ray Weiss
Developed by Matt Ward
Map art by Ilya Kudriashov
Counter art by Ivan Caceres
Components include a 22x34 map, cards, 5/8th inch counters, player aids, and rulebook.